Monday, October 3, 2011

Stephen King's The Stand: Captain Trips by Roberto Aquirre-Sacasa

Due to my latest Stephen King craze, I decided one day to click around on his website and find a list of books by publication date. What I discovered was that there is a whole world of Stephen King that I didn't know about. That's how I found these graphic versions of the classic, which I read earlier this summer, The Stand.

Honestly, I'm not impressed.

Alright, so, The Stand. Well, I read the actual novel first. I read the original, not the uncut, version. I loved it. It took a while to get through because of its size but I loved it. Then I picked up the first graphic novel and it felt, well, wrong. I don't know if it was the story (which had to have been different from the original book and understandably) or the artwork. It just didn't feel right. Then I started the movie. I'm over halfway through and it seems better.

I ordered the second book just to see. As always, I'll let you know what I think.

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