How Our Brains Make Fatty Foods, Orgasm, Exercise, Marijuana, Generosity, Vodka, Learning, and Gambling Feel So Good
When I ordered the book in, one of my coworkers pointed out that it sounded exactly like something that was written for me. Levin talks a lot about pleasure and how it pertains to addiction in this book. I never really think about addiction or study it. I am closely related to an alcoholic and addiction has always just seemed like a disease to me and that's that. Some of us are more prone to it and that's probably genetic and all that means is that there's a good chance that I will end up an alcoholic or a foodaholic because it is "in my genes."
Well, that's true. Our pleasure centers are genetic. The studies were fascinating (and also a little freaky to someone who does not generally dabble in science). It was cool to see how things give us the same sort of pleasure, from orgasm to food to cocaine. We really are some fascinating beings.
For now I am comforted by the fact that I get pleasure from so many things. I kind of think that makes it less likely for me to be an addict. I could have a drink right now or I could read this Faulkner I have sitting next to me. I do wonder, though... Does anybody really get pleasure from working out? LOL.
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