Saturday, June 16, 2012

Dibs in Search of Self by Virginia M. Axline

A number of months ago, a friend of mine handed me this book and told me to read it.  She said it was a quick read and really good, especially if you like happy endings.

Child psychology has never been a subject that I was likely to pursue.  I work with children on a daily basis and I've often thought it would be beneficial to put some studying in but for the most part my readings in psychology center on self help.  I was a little doubtful.  The first two chapters were slow but after that it really took off.

Dibs is the son of a scientist and an ex-surgeon.  His family has always values intellectualism.  Dibs, however, is different.  His parents have written him off as mentally retarded even though his teachers still have hope.  He does not talk at school.  He does not play with the other kids.  No matter what is going on he is always on the outside.

Axline is put in contact with his parents and takes Dibs into her care.  Using play therapy, Dibs begin to break down the walls that keep him so isolated from the rest of the world.  I keep catching myself talking to people like Axline talks to Dibs!

I never thought that I would love this book but I did.  It was wonderful to see a boy emerging so rapidly.  I highly suggest this book.

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