Thursday, March 22, 2012

How the Hula Girl Sings by Joe Meno

If you've never read a Joe Meno book, I suggest you go out and buy one right now. I would suggest starting with Hairstyles of the Damned, which is what got me started and is also one of my favorite books. It's different from the rest of his work, for sure, but wonderful. I've found each and every one of his books that I've read since to be great, quirky, weird, and somehow heartbreaking.

This is the story of Luce Lemay who is an ex-con returning to his hometown after a three year stay in prison. He robbed the liquor store he had been working at and, while on the run, hit a baby carriage, killing its occupant. He never meant to kill any babies, or any adults for that matter, but he knows that he is returning home marked as a baby killer. He has a job lined up and a place to stay and his ex-con friend Junior is waiting for him. On the bus he meets Charlene. She is beautiful and she's also the little sister of a girl he used to fool around with on Sunday afternoons. And that's just the first chapter.

Attempting to build a new life on the crumbling foundations of an old one is difficult. A lot of people in town don't want Luce around. The one who wants it least is Charlene's ex-fiance. Luce is always trying to move forward, prove that he is a good man and do what is right even though he is guilt-ridden. However, things get violent in town and Luce needs to decide what kind of man he is, regardless of what others say about him.

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