Thursday, March 1, 2012

Pink Smog by Francesca Lia Block

At first I was a little concerned when I saw that a prequel to the Weetzie Bat books was coming out. The thing that really threw me off was that the description said Louise couldn't get anyone to call her Weetzie, a nickname her father gave her. Wasn't it heavily implied in the original series that Weetzie was her real name? In fact, doesn't Weerzie, when asked about her strange name, exclaim, "Weetzie, Weetzie, Weetzie! I don't know. Crazy parents!"

But I am delighted to report that I loved this book. I can understand why Block is always going back to these characters. Sliding into Weetzie's L.A. is kind of like putting on a favorite pair of shoes. It just feels right.

Plus, isn't it comforting to know that somebody like Weetzie had an awkward stage too? This is when Weetzie is just trying to get by and maybe even fit in. She wants the popular girls' shoes and hair. When her dad leaves and her mother starts drinking even more, Weetzie is forced to grow up. She has to learn to love and see beauty and believe in herself. Really, isn't that what middle school is all about?

If someone as magical as Weetzie started out as a mousette, can't we all end up a little like Weetzie?

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