Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Girl Goddess #9 by Francesca Lia Block

This is a collection of short stories and I'm not usually a big fan of short stories. I read this book when I was 17, probably, right after I first discovered FLB. This was the only book the library owned of her's at the time and I was desperate for more. It wasn't as easy to order in books back then so I devoured this in nearly one sitting, regardless of the fact that I don't like short stories.

This is a series of stories about girls. One of my favorite characters, Witchbaby, makes an appearance, sort of, when we visit a family of two moms and a daughter, which ended up being my favorite story. The daughter wants to know who here father is and she travels from New York to California to find him. There is also the Girl Goddess Zine and the story of Tweetie Sweetpea.

The stories are short and sweet and manage to range all of FLB's style. One story will feel like a Weetzie Bat book and the next feels like Violet and Claire. I enjoyed reading this and, if you're not too against short stories and you like FLB with a passion, you might like it too.

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