Thursday, August 25, 2011

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by J.K. Rowling

I am finally caught up! I just finished this one this morning. It took me soooooo long that I actually caught up on my blogging. Keeping caught up, now that's the real trick.

The frustrating thing about re-reading is that sometimes you just kind of... completely lose interest. Indeed, a number of times while I was reading this I just couldn't bring myself to pick it up. It's a huge book. Usually I can trick myself by saying, "10 pages is 10 pages and that's something. At least I'll see my bookmark move." That didn't work this time. 10 pages is not enough to move the bookmark in this beast.

It's a wonderful book, really, and under normal circumstances, I love it. This is the book where Harry and Ron are just starting to really become teenage boys. They are starting to get moody and notice girls. The cool part about this book is seeing how the different countries interact with eachother. There is the surprising discovery that Hogwarts is NOT the only wizarding school. Suddenly, the Ministry of Magic seems a lot larger. And, finally, we get a glimpse into what it was like during and directly after Voldemort.

I once heard a DJ on a local rock station talking about reading the HP books. His associate was ripping on him hardcore and he said that HP was cool because the first three books are pretty cute a kiddish but the fourth book suddenly gets darker. I agree. This is THE MOMENT EVERYTHING CHANGES and it's very well done.

I think my problem is that I keep seeing my huge pile of books. Sigh.

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