Monday, August 8, 2011

Hans Christian Anderson's Fairy Tales

My goodness. This took me FOREVER to read. Do you know why? It's because the fairy tales you know are the good ones. The rest are really long, boring, and/or confusing. And the fairy tales you know, they are completely different which actually makes them better to read.

The tales I ended up liking the most were the Ice Queen and The Little Mermaid. You know, Ice Queen was really strange and I bet that I couldn't really tell you what it was about but it was written so beautifully that I couldn't help but be drawn into it. I liked the Little Mermaid because it was very different from the Disney version, and kind of bad ass, excuse my language.

On one hand, I am really interested in fairy tales, myths, and legends. Sometimes they are just too hard to get through, though.

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